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Interview Tips


Here are 12 "DO'S" to help you prepare for your upcoming interview:


  1. Be positive and enthusiastic.

  2. Listen and speak clearly.

  3. Make your answers insightful without being too lengthy.

  4. Sell yourself without exaggerating.

  5. Act confident without being arrogant.

  6. Make it clear that you want the job.

  7. Shake hands firmly.

  8. Dress professionally.

  9. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer.

  10. Turn off your cell phone.

  11. Prepare a brief script outlining your education. career progression and career aspirations.

  12. Focus on your accomplishments, not duties and responsibilities.


Here are 6 "DON'TS" to keep in mind as you interview:


  1. Don't be demanding about your preferences.

  2. Don't interrupt.

  3. Don't let the interviewer do all of the talking.

  4. Don't monopolize the conversation.

  5. Don’t make negative comments about your current or former employers.

  6. Don't discuss compensation unless you have been instructed to do so by your recruiter

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